beat the fluby Info Guru Aurora LaJambre

When the flu strikes you have to ride it out because there is no cure.

In addition to medicine there are plenty of ways to ease symptoms and stop related complications from developing.

Here are ways to beat the flu virus so you can get back to enjoying the season minus sniffles and aches.

10. Aromatherapy


Burn aromatic candles in a steamy bathroom, sit near the candle and take slow, deep breaths. This will open up the nasal and throat so you can breathe easier. Eucalyptus, ginger and mint are a few common scents that relieve congestion.

9. Drink up

Drink up

It may not sound like a powerful fighter of sickness, but drinking lots and lots of purified water is one of the best ways to beat the flu virus. In addition to keeping you hydrated, it’s the only beverage proven to thin mucus in the lungs.

8. Stop the cycle

Stop the cycle

Families with small children in particular know how it goes. A daughter brings the sniffles home from school, passes it on to a sibling then to you and sometimes it even comes back around to patient zero. Contain sickness by having everyone cough and sneeze in their arm or a tissue, not the hands. And keep fingers out of eyes, mouth and nose!

7. Steamy shower

Steamy shower

When you’re down with the chills, climbing out from under a pile of blankets may feel counter-intuitive. Do it anyway. Take a warm shower with the door closed so the room gets nice and steamy like a sauna. The humidity will help clear sinuses and open your throat.

6. Natural boost

Natural boost

As soon as you feel the unwelcome aches, chills and cough coming on, fortify your body with a zinc or ginseng supplement – no more than 50 mg each day. These natural supplements increase the body’s production of white blood cells that fight germs.

5. Do as grandma did

Do as grandma did

There’s a reason neighbors, grandparents and friends alike make chicken noodle soup when a loved one gets sick. It works! Chicken releases an amino acid during the cooking process that’s similar to the active ingredient in bronchitis medication. Have a bowl for lunch to inhibit a cough, decrease inflammation and soothe other symptoms. Store bought soup works, too.

4. Have some garlic

Have some garlic

Garlic is not just for fighting vampires. This pungent savory spice is packed with allicin, a powerful antimicrobial that kills bacteria and helps the body fight viruses. Allow raw, minced garlic to sit for about 10 minutes so the bacteria-fighting properties can develop, then throw it in your soup. Parents can help their kids get healthy fast by slipping a few crushed cloves in their socks. Their skin will absorb the compounds!

3. Spice things up

Spice things up

If you’re not a fan of chicken noodle soup, a bowl of curry will make you smile. Thai and Indian curry powders are simply blends of healing spices like ginger, turmeric, chili and coriander. They induce sweat, which cools the body down and helps break a stubborn fever. Spices with heat like horseradish, wasabi and cayenne pepper also help thin mucus and relieve congestion.

2. Cuppa tea?

Cuppa tea

According to Prevention magazine, green, black and herbal teas contain theophylline, a bronchodilator. Sipping a soothing cup of tea improves air flow in your respiratory passage. Stir in a spoonful of honey to relieve an itchy throat with extra bacteria-fighting antioxidants. For every cup of tea, drink an extra cup of water to avoid dehydration!

1. Suds up

Suds up

Stock up on luxurious soaps, scrubs, salts and body washes. Thoroughly washing the hands about five times a day significantly lowers your risk of getting sick. If you’re already down, washing well is one of the most effective ways to beat the flu virus fast by preventing more germs from getting in the body.

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