ways to decorate a nursery for your babyContributed by Info Guru Terri Wallace

As soon as you tell the world you are expecting, they start telling you how to do everything.

You receive unsolicited advice on names, and nursing, and diapers. They tell you how to hold them, to rock them, to feed them, and burp them. The will probably try to take over decorating the nursery, too. Ignore them. Here is some advice that is actually useful (and not at all nagging or bossy) to help you decide how to decorate your baby’s nursery.

10. Eye to the Future

Eye to the Future

One cost-saving way to decorate a nursery is with an eye to the future. Choose furniture that can transition into the toddler years and beyond. Also consider a convertible crib to avoid the need to purchase additional furniture in just a few short years; convertible cribs are a worthy investment and many models can be reconfigured to create a toddler bed and, later, a full sized bed that will serve your child well for many years.

9. Mom Friendly Design

Mom Friendly Design

Since mom will be spending a lot of time in the nursery, it makes sense to make sure that the room is functional as well as beautiful. The nursing mother will especially appreciate a comfortable place to sit and nurse the baby; dad will love having a cozy place to rock the baby. A glider rocker provides plenty of comfort without sacrificing style.

8. Share and Share Alike

Share and Share

Sometimes siblings need to share space. But bunking with baby doesn’t have to be a drag. Invite the big brother or big sister to help pick out a bunk bed. You can even utilize just a single bunk until baby is bigger. In the meantime, the older sibling gets some space and can lay claim on the choice bunk now! See, there are definite perks to being older.

7. Fit for a Princess

Fit for a Princess

When you find out that soon you will be blessed with a little princess, it is time to start stocking up on everything pink and sparkly! Don’t forget to get a light fixture worthy of royalty: a sparkling chandelier. She will giggle and coo as she watches the way the light dances off the crystal and throws rainbows around her room.

6. Football Hero

Football Hero

If you dream of a son to play catch with out in the front yard on a crisp autumn day, a Football Hero nursery is just the thing. From plush football rugs and colorful sport prints for the walls to cozy bedding in rich stripes, this is the perfect room to nurture your little quarterback.

5. Going Green

Going Green

From the 100% cotton sheets to the potted plants that help improve the air, your baby is a natural when it comes to green living. A green themed room will elegantly express your desire to keep things simple and natural for you bundle of joy.

4. Make it Modern

Make it Modern

For some, the conventional pink and blue color theme is outdated; they want a fresh take on a traditional nursery…something that reflects a more modern sensibility. Make a nursery more modern with bold colors, like orange, yellow, or teal paired with brown. Geometric designs also create a fresh take on the traditional.

3. Store Stuff with Style

Store Stuff with Style

With babies comes more … stuff. And you have to find room for all the extra stuff. A room with an eye towards storage is a sensible room; make sensible stylish with an elegant armoire that can accommodate all of the extra clothes, and diapers, and onesies, and bibs, and … you know, stuff.

2. Time for Change

Time for Change

Babies have certain needs; one of those being diaper changes. Lots and lots of diaper changes. One of the greatest gifts you can give yourself is a pleasant place to take care of this chore. Trust me, you will thank me later. Nothing screams “novice parent” like peeling a gloppy diaper off of a screaming, wiggling child only to realize that the only clean diaper is across the room. Create a space for diaper changes with a well-designed changing table that can also be used later as a dresser. Consider it an investment … both in a quality piece of furniture and in your peace of mind.

1. Surprise!


There are few enough surprises in this world, so maybe (despite your mother’s protests) it could actually be fun to wait to find out your baby’s gender until he … or she … um, it? … is born. After all, who hasn’t heard those horror stories about families who are told at the ultrasound that their baby is a lovely little girl only to bring their bouncing baby boy home (after 52 hours of labor) to a frilly pink room? Pregnancy is stressful enough; choose a nursery that can fit either gender and let life dole out one last, amazing surprise.

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