mom and baby sleepingContributed by Info Guru Lindsay Shugerman

What an exciting time in your life! There’s a new baby in the house, and nothing will ever be the same. It’s a time of new joys, new discoveries and new schedules. But one thing hasn’t changed.

You still need to take care of yourself, maybe now more than ever before. So how do you squeeze in time for yourself amid feedings and diaper changes? Here are ten small but important ways to take care of yourself after baby comes.

10. Pamper your skin

ECOBELLA skin care

Pregnancy, childbirth and nursing can take a toll on your skin, so spend some time giving your skin the moisture, toning or oil control it needs. Just a few minutes morning and evening with the right skin care products can keep your complexion clear and fresh.

9. Add to your wardrobe

SOFT SURROUNDINGS comfortable pretty clothes

After months of maternity clothes, it’s only natural to want to get back into your favorite jeans or skirt. But at least for awhile, it will be a battle to get comfortable in your pre-pregnancy wardrobe. Instead of struggling with too-tight clothes or resigning yourself to staying in maternity wear, head out and treat yourself to some new, attractive and comfortable fashions. You’ve earned it!

8. Eat at a table

lunch salad plate

Once baby arrives, you may be tempted to grab your breakfast or lunch as you run through the kitchen. Stop! You deserve a real meal at a real table. Even a simple lunch of yogurt, fruit and bread deserves a plate, a napkin and real flatware. Add a tall glass of juice, water or milk and a pretty placemat, then savor your meal. Even a small meal eaten at a table is surprisingly rejuvenating.

7. Spend time with friends

women sitting in park

It’s easy to get lost in your new baby. And there’s nothing wrong with that. Well, except for the fact that you’re also still a woman who has friends… and needs to spend time with them. Arrange for a girls night out, a gathering at your house (or even better, at the home of a friend who didn’t just have a baby!), or just a get-together at a favorite coffee shop. Newborns are amazingly portable, so get out there and reconnect.

6. Arrange for some down time

woman reading on couch

Everyone needs some down time, but as a new mom it can feel like an impossible idea. Do it anyway. Let the new daddy, new grandmom or a new aunt or uncle spend some time with baby while you do… nothing. Well maybe not nothing, but nothing that’s goal oriented. This isn’t a time for catching up on anything. Grab a book, put on a favorite TV series, get lost with your craft supplies or maybe just sit by the ocean and watch the waves.

5. Start moving

woman doing yoga

Once you have the go-ahead from your midwife or doctor, reward yourself by moving. Soothing yoga, gentle fitness classes, long walks and swimming are all good choices for feeling good and taking good care of your body. Just remember that nothing is quite the same as before, so take it slow while you see what works and what doesn’t. Slowly work up to pre-baby workout levels and you’re less likely to get injured.

4. Plan something special

mom and child on beach

For nine months, you’ve been looking forward to baby’s arrival. And while you’re glad she or he has finally made their appearance, it’s only natural to feel a little let down when there’s no big event on the horizon. Planning a family vacation, a family reunion or something else you’ll love is a good way to avoid the “now what?” blues.

3. Spend time outdoors

woman standing in hills

Medical researchers at Harvard and other universities have found that spending time outdoors in nature is good for your health. It improves mood, encourages healthy exercise, boosts essential Vitamin D levels and speeds healing.

Try to find a way to bring some of those healthy benefits into your new life with baby by going for walks in the woods, on a beach or even in a nearby park. Look for places where the sounds and sights of the city are hidden from view as much as possible. But even a walk in an urban park or suburban neighborhood can help you reap the benefits.

2. Freshen your makeup choices

woman with simple makeup

After baby comes, you might find that your choices in makeup change, too. It might be because of changes in your skin or your face shape. Or it just might be that you don’t have the time you used to for elaborate make up. Take some time to talk to a make up expert at a local store, or look at makeup how-to articles or videos online to get fresh ideas. Consider replacing more time-consuming choices with simple, natural cosmetics that work better with your new priorities.

1. Give yourself time

clock faces

We are so conditioned to expect things to work instantly. Instant video, instant oatmeal, 30 minute workouts. Everything moves so fast. But adapting to life with a new baby, whether it’s your first or your fifth, doesn’t happen overnight. Schedules for day and night need to shift. Priorities change. And you need time to find out what works for you.

Give yourself the gift of patience and time. It’s a wonderful season of your life, if you remember that taking care of yourself is important for you… and your new baby, too.

This list is just a starting point. Figure out what makes you feel refreshed and pampered, then find time to work some of that into your new life as a mom. You deserve it!

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