weight control that worksby Catalogs.com Info Guru Aurora LaJambre

Beware of weight loss gadgets and tools that make big promises of trimming and slimming.

Those that claim to shed pounds and smooth cellulite without the accompaniment of regular exercise and good nutrition deserve a heaping portion of skepticism.

These weight control products without gimmicks promote healthy habits to help you transform your body and lifestyle permanently.

10. Slimming teas

Slimming teas

In China, people have used slimming tea products for thousands of years. They may not have known the science of why it worked at the time, but teas were widely used to strengthen the immune system and increase metabolism. An improved metabolism aids proper digestion so you burn fat faster.

9. Self hypnosis

Self hypnosis

Methods of self hypnosis show people how to achieve a higher understanding of recovery, healing and their path towards better health. Music contains focused instruction to help you overcome pain, energy blockage and self doubt. Listening helps you tap into mental barriers that keep you from living the healthy life you want. If you believe this will help, it probably will.

8. Mango seed fiber

Mango seed fiber

Sold as a pure supplement or main ingredient in weight control products, mango seed fiber is gaining traction in the natural supplement market. The seeds come from the African mango tree and are already widely used to relieve pain.

7. Whey protein

Whey protein

Body builders have used whey protein in their recovery drinks for years to help them build muscle mass. Those looking for weight control products without gimmicks should take note. It also suppresses appetite, helping you improve portion control. It’s easy to digest and unnoticeable in flavored smoothies and health shakes. Remember that muscle weighs more than fat, so forget about the number on the scale and pay attention to the way you feel and love how those clothes are getting looser and looser.

6. Body wraps

Body wraps

We all know people have gone to some shady extremes to slim down fast. Anyone up for swallowing a long slimy tapeworm that’ll chew on the food in your body, lay eggs and deprive your of essential vitamins? Didn’t think so. However, they’re not all schemes. For example, body wraps coat your skin, the body’s largest organ, with organic ingredients known to tighten and tone the body.

5. Slimming apparel

Slimming apparel

In the spirit of “Fake it till you make it”, slimming apparel and tummy control swimwear help you enjoy the figure you want right now. Healthy diet and exercise are essential for earning that figure long term, but it’s hard to find motivation when progress is slow to show. Enjoy how you feel in this flattering clothing then use those good feelings to power through your next spin class.

4. Programs


Easy weight loss programs make it simpler to commit to a diet high in nutrition with good portion control. Many of these widely used systems, from Weight Watchers and Jenny Craig, to NutriSystem, are proven to work long term.

3. Green coffee beans

Green coffee beans

Weight control products without gimmicks are straight forward and support an active lifestyle. Natural dietary supplements like green coffee beans are produced to increase stamina and energy so you can lose weight for good. The chlorogenic acid in this specific supplement lowers glucose absorption.

2. HCA or Hydroxycitric Acid

HCA or Hydroxycitric Acid

Studies show HCA, a salt from dried fruit rinds, effectively reduces the absorption of fat, lowers cholesterol, boosts metabolism and reduces appetite. HCA is a common ingredient in Indian remedies and diet products.

1. Energy drinks

Energy drinks

Nutritionists agree that consuming more vegetables improves health and makes you look and feel younger. Still, many struggle to eat the recommended daily dose. That’s where weight management energy drinks come in. Alkalizing ingredients flood your body with nutrients, improve digestion and increase energy. Why not follow-up workouts with this tasty drink?

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