Hitting 50 percent or lower is the number of what is comfortable humidity

Hitting 50 percent or lower is the number of what is comfortable humidity

There are those days when the weather is so thick and sticky with humidity that melting might be your only option. Humidity messes with your hair and even your joints.

What is a comfortable humidity level? The ideal humidity level in a home is below 50 percent. This level prevents the growth of mold and mildew. It also makes it less likely that bacteria thrive and dust mite infestations occur.

Humidity refers to the amount of water vapor that is in the atmosphere. Water vapor is caused by plant transpiration and evaporation from the surface of the Earth. Humidity is also caused by the breakdown of methane by sunlight in the stratosphere.

The best way to measure the humidity in your home is by using a hygrometer. Anything in between 30 percent and 50 percent relative humidity is comfortable. Air quality appliances – humidifiers, purifiers and dehumidifiers – can help regulate indoor humidity levels.

Absolute humidity refers to the actual amount of water vapor present in the atmosphere. Relative humidity refers to the percentage of water vapor present in the air in comparison to the amount of water needed to create saturation at the same temperature. 

When humidity is too high or too low it can affect the way a person feels, making him suffer from aches and pains. The joints in the body are made of sensory nerves, which are called baro-receptors. When the weather changes the nerves in the joints respond to the alteration in the atmosphere.

The amount of humidity determines how many allergens are going to be present in an indoor space. When humidity is high, mold and dust mites grow, which does a number on those suffering from allergies. High humidity is not comfortable for allergy sufferers. Even those who are not plagued by allergies are affected by high humidity because hot, moist air impacts our joints.

When it is extremely humid, humans can?t sweat as effectively because the air is so full of moisture it is difficult for the air to absorb the sweat off of a person?s skin. People feet sticky and hot as a result. They aren?t able to cool themselves down by sweating. Individuals can experience overheating in high humidity conditions as well as dehydration and chemical imbalances because they lose water and body chemicals that are needed to keep them healthy. 

Humidity is, however, necessary. When it is very dry with no humidity, cold viruses boom, according to the Mayo Clinic. When there is little or no humidity, your nose can become stuffy and your throat gets scratchy. That is because the dry air dries out mucous membranes. When a person can?t breathe at night because his nose is stopped up this indicates that more humidity should be introduced into the bedroom. 

When there is 100 percent relative humidity, the air is completely saturated with water vapor. At this point, the air can?t hold any more water so it rains. It can rain when the relative humidity level is lower than 100 percent but there must be 100 percent relative humidity for clouds to form. 
When the relative humidity is high, humans feel hotter that the actual temperature. If the relative humidity is low, humans feel cooler than the actual temperature and that?s because sweat evaporates more easily in lower humidity, which cools the individual. If it is 75 degrees outside, and the relative humidity is 100 percent it?s going to feel five degrees hotter or 80 degrees. On the other hand, if there is zero relative humidity and it is 75 degrees outside. The air temperature is going to feel as though it is 69 degrees. 

Humidity can be reduced in your home by installing dehumidifiers and air conditions. It is also controlled by venting rooms where there is moisture such as the bathroom and laundry room.




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