What should I tweet? Try something this is not all about you!

What should I tweet? Try something this is not all about you!

Twitter is rapidly changing how people find and share information. Naturally, many people want to get on board and be a part of the change. Registering for an account is easy enough, but now what should I tweet?

You’re not the only one who’s Twitter shy. The appeal of this medium is that it limits you to 140 characters. The intimidating thing is that it limits you to 140 characters. 

What on Earth can you say in 140 characters that others will find interesting? Don’t think too hard about this. Yes, the Library of Congress is archiving tweets and novelists are experimenting with ultra short masterpieces. That shouldn’t stop you from sharing about fashion trends, party ideas and other things you love.

Start by following people, products and media that sparks your interest. Take note of the things they write about and the general ratio of self-promotion to other topics. Here’s a few suggestions so you can stop wondering what should I tweet.

Favorite Websites

Use bitly.com to create shortened links to your favorite websites so you don’t use up all your characters on the link alone. Share useful info like which kids store always has great clothing for back to school. Think of yourself as a curator, selecting content and sharing it by using a relevant hashtag. 


Great Shopping Finds

Support your favorite retailers by sharing links to products you love. Readers want to know about a riveting new book. Gadget lovers want to hear your thoughts on the latest phone, camera or computer. Help them out!

Tasty Food Discoverys

Everyone from restaurant lovers, to home cooks and people with restricted diets use Twitter as a resource. Share links to recipes and brief reviews of local eateries. Tell the world which candy company makes the best pralines or who you think should win Top Chef – you may be surprised at how many people chime in.

Raise a Debate

Passionate people love to debate the finer points of why they’re loyal to one brand over the other. Musicians stick to one guitar maker and craftsmen prefer one tool supplier. Tell them all who’s really the best maker and why. People may disagree, and maybe you’ll learn about something new.


Many people are looking to social media for up to the minute style help. Twitter is an online shopper’s best friend. Link to the jacket you picked up for fall or your favorite pair of jeans, and you will be thanked.


It’s awful to find out your favorite band is in town after they’ve already played. When you find a sporting event, show or festival that gets you really excited tweet it out! The more the merrier.

New Equipment

Whether you’re a professional crafter or a hobbyist, it’s useful to discover smarter tools or supplies, like new paints. Other crafters want to know, too. Share tutorials, images and links to everything from the best pair of scissors ever to a gorgeous print you’ve never seen before.


When you have a good experience with a business it’s good karma to share. An easy answer to what should I tweet about is the latest thing you’re thankful for. This can be big things, like your health, or very specific things like getting super friendly customer service from a store. 


What better place to confess your latest obsession than a public forum? If a glass of wine or cup of coffee is what makes your day, Twitter wants to know. Think of all the people who haven’t discovered the object of your affection yet. It’s a noble service you’re providing!

If the world’s most perfect pair of jeans makes you smile, share the love and pass it on. This forum works because people are hungry for the tips and information that people like you can offer.  Don’t be afraid of Twitter. Join the party!  


Inc.: Twitter Tips

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