Here are some tips about treating pink eye

Here are some tips about treating pink eye

Pink eye, which is also known as Conjunctivitis, is a very common eye problem. Technically, it refers to the inflammation of the eye’s conjunctive membrane. It can be caused by allergic, bacterial or viral infection and is usually simply and quickly treated. It can last from 7-9 days and is highly contagious. Coughing and sneezing can spread pink eye by spraying tiny droplets from infected mucus into the air. Shared towels also can be infected, as well as table- tops, counter spaces and bathrooms. What to do for pink eye involves clearly identifying the symptoms, as there are different treatments for the various types of pink eye.

The three types of pink eye are: Viral Conjunctivitis, Bacterial Conjunctivitis and Allergic Conjunctivitis. With the viral type, there is no known medicine, although some doctors do prescribe antibiotics if the possibility of bacterial origin cannot be ruled out. The application of cold compresses is the most common remedy for relief of symptoms. With the bacterial variety, there is always a prescription of either antibiotic eye medicine or drops. This shortens the period of infection. With the allergic variation, cold compresses should be applied to the area and eye drops, which contain anti-inflammatory and anti-histamine medications are also helpful in relieving this condition.


What are the symptoms of pink eye?

What to do for pink eye is best determined by recognizing the symptoms so that you know what you are dealing with. Look for some of the following:

1- Sudden pink or reddish color in the white part of the eye

This is the very first indication of pink eye.

2- Puffiness and itchiness around the eyelids

 This is easy to spot as it gives the appearance of swollen eyelids. The eyelids can also become extremely itchy.

3- Crust, discharge and tearing

The formation of a crust on the edges of the eye and excess discharges emanating from the eye are prominent symptoms. Frequent tearing or watering of the eye often occurs.

4- Light sensitivity

    Pink eye can cause the eye to be very sensitive to the brightness of light and you may need to wear dark glasses if you are so affected.

 What to do for pink eye involves staying away from anyone you know who has it. It is highly contagious and if you come in contact with pink eye, you will have it yourself within 72 hours (no gypsy curse; just solid medical truth). If you do have it, you can avoid the spread of the infection by:

1- Washing and air-drying your hands regularly

2- Keeping your hands away from rubbing your eyes

3- Avoiding physical contact with others (touching, shaking hands) while infected

4- Avoiding any swimming activity while infected

5- Discarding immediately any cotton or gauze that was used on the infected eye
Pink eye can occur in adults, but anyone of any age can get it. Contact lens wearers are particularly vulnerable to pink eye, which can be caused by infections from poor hygiene in the handling of lenses, solutions and cases. It occurs most often, however, in young children through epidemics that spread rapidly in classrooms and day care centers. In such settings, it is difficult to avoid the spread of bacteria and viruses.

It is important to know that left untreated, certain types of bacterial conjunctivitis can scar the eye’s surface, possibly leading to permanent eye damage and vision loss. Take the time to educate yourself about what to do for pink eye. Treating it properly and avoiding the contagion are the two most important parts of any regimen.

 Take care of your eyes and they will take care of you.



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