Here is a short list of what to sell on eBay to make money and clear clutter

Here is a short list of what to sell on eBay to make money and clear clutter

When you have an item, or an entire collection of items, that you no longer have any use for, there are a couple of different ways you can handle it. The first choice is of course to simply throw the items away or give them away to someone who might actually find a use for them. You can also go the route that people have been using for generations and hold a garage sale.

In the Internet age, there are a couple of other ways in which you can shed those unwanted items or make a pretty penny selling something you have that others want. There are places on the net like Craigslist where you can sell your items, but for the most part, these kinds of sales are going to have to be first come first served. An online auction site like eBay means that you can set a low limit on your item and then watch people duke it out as they try to outbid each other for your item.

The question that arises, once you have decided that eBay is the way to go, is what to sell on eBay?


The answer to this question is that you can sell almost anything you want on the site, as long as what you are selling is legally yours and what you are selling is actually legal to sell. Depending on what you are selling on the site, you might even find yourself starting a whole new market if the item your selling is the first of its kind on the site. Of course, at this point there are not a whole lot of items that could be classified as first of its kind. eBay has been around long enough that people have sold just about anything you could imagine.

Electronic devices like cellphones and computers have long been popular items to offer up on the online auction site. Devices like the iPhone have made people a pretty penny because they are able to rush out and grab the device first thing and then sell it on eBay for a profit. While electronics companies have largely managed to stop this process by offering more copies of any given item, you can still find the newest tablets or smartphones getting offered up on the site on a regular basis.

Electronics are far from the only thing that is offered up on the site. Collectible items are also a big hit with an online auction community because people feel like they are truly getting what their items are worth if there was some kind of bidding involved. For the same reason, there are plenty of people who have decided that their artwork is part of the vast library of things that should be sold on eBay.

Clothes, baby toys, and sporting goods are all regularly put up for auction, or they are even sold much the same way they would at a store with the buy-it-now function. Some think that only used items are going on the site, but there are some companies who choose to sell their products directly on eBay as a way to reach a broader audience.

Some companies have also found that they can sell their recycled or recertified products easier on a site like this than they can if they were selling them on their own company site or through a retailer. Acer is one company that recently offered up heavily discounted laptops through the online auction site, despite the fact that they were not actually offering any auctions. 

The beauty of a site like eBay is that the sky is the limit and depending on the day you visit, you will most likely find something being sold on the site you might not have expected.



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