Wine and allergies are something you need to consider before imbibing

Wine and allergies are something you need to consider before imbibing

What do wine and allergies have in common? Those suffering from allergies may find that after drinking alcohol, including wine, their allergy symptoms become worse. Women with such sensitivities are hit even harden than men when they imbibe.

Why is this? Wine, beer and liquor have histamines in them. Histamines are produced by bacteria and yeast during the process of fermentation. Histamines are chemicals that prompt adverse symptoms.

Beer and wine also contain sulfites. These compounds are culprits in exacerbating allergy-like symptoms and asthma. Sulfites are a natural byproduct of yeast and are contained in wine. Organic wine contains fewer sulfides so may not result in an allergic reaction.

Not all allergists agree with this premise. Some maintain that the histamines and sulfites are not significant enough to provoke allergic reactions. What may occur is this type of alcohol functions as a direct vasodilator, according to Dr. Sumit Bhutani, a board certified allergist at Houston?s Allergy&Asthma Associates.

A direct vasodilator is a congestant and is connected to levels of blood alcohol. The low-alcohol content results in less congestion. This can cause the drinker to experience drainage of mucus, whereas he was congested before he drank.

On the other hand, some doctors, including Dr. Charles Owen, medical director of the Austin Heart Hospital, Emergency Department, maintain that wine makes histamines break out, which generates allergies. Alcoholic beverages impact the flow of blood to membranes, which exacerbates allergy symptoms.

If sensitive to grapes, yeast, sulfites and phenol, a drinker may experience an allergic reaction when consuming it. A low and non-sulfite wine may be a solution for wine lovers who have sensitivities.

During fermentation, yeast creates the alcohol and fizz. Yeast can be alive when the beverage is drunk. Therefore, if suffering from yeast allergies put the cork back in the bottle. Experiencing fatigue after drinking indicates the drinker has a yeast allergy, particularly if he does not get tired after drinking gin or vodka.

Some people can?t break down sulfites because they lack the necessary enzyme. You are consuming sodium bisulfate which is created by combing water and sodium carbonate. It helps maintain the flavor and disallow oxidation. The majority of individuals that are lacking this enzyme are asthmatics.

Symptoms of sodium bisulfate allergy include swelling of the hands, face and feet, the appearance of a rash on the neck and mouth, hives, problems breathing, a tingling sensation in the limbs and neck. A severe reaction can lead to death.

Phenols come from grape seeds, stems and skins. If allergic to grapes, avoid drinking wine, which can lead to headaches because the tannins and histamines particularly in red wine cause the narrowing of blood vessels and results in a headache. The drinker?s face may become flushed due to peripheral blood flow which is the outcome of vaso-constriction or the narrowing of blood vessels.

Some people simply can?t tolerate the contents and drinking it leads to nausea, bloating, diarrhea and cramping.


Drinking wine in moderation (or fresh grapes or grape juice) boosts the body?s immunity, prevents bone loss, assists one in losing weight and helps a person maintain his memory. It also raises good cholesterol and this aids in unclogging arteries. It lessens blood vessel inflammation and prevents blood clots.
Regular drinkers have lower body mass than those who only drink it occasionally. Liquor can put fat on your belly but wine doesn?t.

Moderate wine drinkers have less fat in their bellies and narrower waists than those who drink other liquor. Apparently, certain kinds of alcohol prompt the body to burn more calories in the hour and one half after consumption.

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