zombie apocalypseContributed by Info Guru Lindsay Shugerman

If you survived Black Friday, you have a hint of what the Zombie Apocalypse might feel like. So many beings, and every one out for themselves, no time to care about who gets in their way. It’s not a lot of fun one day a year, but for some reason there are thousands (millions?) of people obsessed with the whole idea of zombies.

If you need to shop for one of those un-dead fans who are busy making preparations for the impending takeover, I’m here to help. Here are ten zombie apocalypse survive gift ideas sure to delight fans of The Walking Dead, World War Z, Zombie Nation and all the rest of the genre.

10. Handcrafted knives

handcrafted knives

There are so many uses for a good knife during the Zombie times, from self-defense to cutting through ropes. Select a knife that’s compact enough to carry safely at a dead run, strong enough to slice through saplings when building emergency shelter and sharp enough to…well, you know.

9. First aid kit

first aid kit backpack

With all the running and knives and breaking through windows, there’s bound to be some damage. The gift of a comprehensive first aid kit is a thoughful way to help the survivors, well, survive a bit longer. Bonus points if the kit includes basic surgical tools!

8. Water purification tools

water purification

With the water treatment plants offline and so many streams contaminated, finding safe drinking water is going to be a problem as soon as the bottled water stock runs out. Give your would-be zombie fighter a fighting chance to avoid dehydration or Dysentery with a portable water purification device.

7. MREs

Meals Ready to Eat - MRE

When the first strike comes, food is going to be a problem. No one will have had time establish safe zones, and if the movies are accurate, the local grocery stores will be nothing but zombie playgrounds. A gift of ready-to-eat, easy to transport meals is clearly the answer…and one of the most practical Zombie apocalypse survival gift ideas. Pick lightweight dehydrated packs as well as no-water-needed snackage so they’ll have the energy to avoid becoming snackage themselves.

6. Hatchet

blue hatchet

When they need to power through the woods, break through a door or smash out a wall, a solid, trusty hatchet is a must-have piece of gear. Give your zombie survivalist one that’s heavy enough to get the job done without falling to pieces after a few daring escapes.

5. Seeds

seed packets

At some point, the ready-made, packaged food is going to run out. Even the Twinkies. Then what? That’s where a stockpile of people and animal food seeds will come in oh so handy. Once the safe zones are set up, gardening can begin. Make sure they’re set up to grow their own when the time comes.

4. Collapsible water bottles

Collapsible water bottles

It doesn’t do much good to be able to purify water if you can’t take some it when you bug out to the next hideaway. And when things are pretty calm, it’s not a good idea to keep heading out into the woods to get more water to filter (unless you need to boost ratings.) That’s why collapsible water bottles are a good gift choice. They store in a small space until the plague breaks out, they’re light weight for carrying just enough water on the run, and they expand for safe zone water storage.

3. Fire starter

person using fire starter

Zombies aren’t fair weather friends. When the temperature is frigid and the snow is flying, they will still be out their hunting your loved ones. Staying safe from the hoards in winter means staying warm, too. Sure, they could use matches for awhile, but when they run out, a reliable fire starter is going to be worth its weight in gold. Fortunately, they’re now selling for far less than the price of gold, so grab them for gifts while you can.

2. Solar charger

solar charger backpack

We depend so much on electronics…what would happen if they all went away overnight? Of course, cell phones will quickly become bricks. And there won’t be a lot of time to sit around binge watching on the DVR. But some electronics like Mp3 players, flashlights and battery-powered camp lights might be nice to keep around. A solar charger backpack could make that happen, even on the run. Tuck the plugged in electronics inside, zip it up and run! Aerobics AND iPod charging at the same time!

1. The antidote

Zombie apocalyse

Hands down the best gift you could give everyone this year is a supply of the zombie antidote. As much fun as it looks on TV or in the movies, real life zombie apocalypse could get a bit old after like a week. Or less. Having the antidote on hand could let your loved ones save themselves, their friends and even that grumpy neighbor when they get tired of the game.

Some say it could never happen. Some say it will. But for the true fan, what better gifts could there be than a stockpile of “just-in-case” survival gear.

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