Introduce the beauty of Africa to your gallery.

Introduce the beauty of Africa to your gallery.

For decades, the timeless beauty of African art and d?cor has been a popular choice with American shoppers and interior designers. African styling fabric, art, collectibles and even flooring continue to remain in-demand design elements in all areas of the United States.

As a gallery owner or manager, you can capitalize on this ongoing popularity even if your business is not exclusively focused on African art. Simple ways to add and promote an African collection in your gallery’s collection include:

Adding a room or area of the gallery devoted exclusively to African art and gifts

If space permits, creating an entirely African room will allow you to showcase a wide variety of products in a way that encourages buyers to select multiple items for their home. Studies have shown that shoppers in a single-themed store or room are more likely to want to recreate the experience of the store displays than to select a single item. That means more pieces sold to each buyer.

Introduce African pieces into existing collections

Select artwork or gift items that coordinate with existing themed collections. For example, a collection of exotic images from Asia or India would be enhanced with the addition of equally exotic pieces from Egypt, Algeria or other countries in North Africa. Contact wholesale art dealers from those countries for specific suggestions on content, style and trends to ensure your collection remains cutting edge.
Sponsor themed special events

Create excitement around your new African-themed elements by incorporating them into special events.  Sponsor a fund-raiser to address equality and feature South Africa gifts that promote peace or address apartheid issues. Work with a group that supports sustainable economies and offer handmade crafts and artwork from areas of Africa struggling with economic issues.

Add African-made items to your museum gift shop

If your gallery includes a gift shop, add African-made items to your collection. Two of the most popular aspects of African styling fabric and wood, are good choices to start with. Scarves, area rugs, clothing and table linens are easy to incorporate into an existing gift shop line. Wooden toys, games, carvings and d?cor accessories are equally popular.

Support your new additions with sound and visual elements

Create a complete experience by adding African music to your gallery. Make a setting for display that coordinates with the type of art or gifts you’ve chosen to add. Remember, Africa is a large continent with many distinct nations and cultures, so be sure your enhancements are from the same region as the art work. 

Adding African art to your gallery or museum is a wonderful and simple way to bring the beauty of the continent to your collection.



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