Learn how to build decks with gazebos to create a stunning backyard

Learn how to build decks with gazebos to create a stunning backyard

A backyard replete with perfect landscaping, the family all huddled underneath a gorgeous wood-paneled gazebo, the sun setting, laughter and good company permeating the atmosphere: Many of us pine for this peace, beauty, relaxation.

Come to find out we can get it for ourselves. Whether we put in the labor or simplify the process, this scene, this peace can be ours.

Put A Little Back Into It

DIY Network offers solid tips on how to build decks with gazebos. If you’ve got several weekends free, around $2,500-$5,000 available, and construction skills necessary to deal with a hard difficulty range, they’ve got tips, videos, and step-by-step instructions for the process.

Head over to their Materials&Tools sub-section to figure out what you’ll need before beginning the building process. Be sure to peruse the initial (labor-intensive and time consuming) steps like setting the posts in the ground, installing and overlaying the deck flooring, and finishing it off with the construction of the gazebo itself atop the newly refurnished area.~

Take a look at their short video as well; seeing the photos and the video can help to show you that this project will take more than a few people to landscape, finish electrical wiring, and apply base rock, among other operations.

If you have the aptitude, time, and money to conquer a new project, by all means start over at DIY and you’ll have a good jumping off point. If you don’t have the necessary tools/materials, or simply don’t have the time or amount of people the project may need, don’t worry.

How Can I Simplify the Process?

Look for a company that supplies custom-made gazebo products and self-help kits to help you get started with the right design and components. Say you’re not quite as gifted with your hands as the next guy (or gal). How about simplifying the process into a few easy steps?

Here’s how:

  • Click to get started and you will be taken to step 1: select size. Ranges will go from 8 ft. up to 20 ft. Understand your specific space requirements before choosing the best option for your area
  • In the next sequence of steps, one can choose material (wood or vinyl), roof style, cedar or asphalt shingles, cornice style, braces, posts, and straight balusters or turned spindles

What’s great about this process is as you pick which style suits you the picture on-site begins to expand showing you your new gazebo. Other additional options will include a potential electrical package, screen package, number of benches, and either a painted or clear wood finish.

When you have everything as you would like, hit the done button and you should be taken to a page that offers offers a lifetime guarantee on all their products.

Custom-made gazebos begin at $3,000 and go up from there. The more affordable option would be the Gazebo-in-a-box, which runs between $1,695-$3,495. This allows you to exercise your building skill set but will also provide in-depth assembly instructions and specific kits for different sections.

So, in the end, how to build decks with gazebos comes down to personal preference, monetary concerns, and time to devote to your new outdoor project.


Amish Gazebos: Homepage.

DIY Network: How to Build A Gazebo.

Above photo attributed to Small_Realm



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