Find intricate luxury playhouses for your tike

I, like most little girls, dreamed of having the perfect playhouse. I imagined it would look like an English cottage complete with an area inside where I could hold little tea parties. Instead, I ended up with an empty cardboard box that smelled like old cheese. Like myself, many children of my day settled for refrigerator boxes in order to fulfill their need for a fortress, pirate ship, mansion, or anything else a young mind can dream up. Interested in luxury playhouses? Read on.

Today, playhouses have evolved into more than just one-room, plywood shacks. Now, there are luxury playhouses that come in a number of shapes and sizes that can be built to suit your child’s unique play needs.

Luxury playhouses shouldn’t be thought of as just another toy purchase, they should be thought of as an investment in your relationship with your child. This new generation of intricate little houses can provide years of fun for your entire family.

When purchasing a luxury playhouse, you should ask, and be able to answer, these four questions:

1. What’s my budget?

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As a parent, it’s easy to get carried away when it comes to buying for your kids, which is why it’s important to set your budget before you start shopping. By setting a budget ahead of time, you will avoid breaking the bank with a playhouse your family can’t afford. Remember: a luxury playhouse is just that- a luxury.

2. How long do I have before my child outgrows their playhouse?

In order to get your money and memory’s worth, purchase your child’s luxury playhouse early. If you make your purchase while your child is a toddler, you will allow them to grow into their playhouse and ensure years of memorable fun. If you’re concerned that your child will become bored with their playhouse, keep things new and exciting by applying a new paint color as well as adding new furniture and accessories.

3. Which playhouse is right for us?

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When it comes to picking your luxury playhouse, go directly to the source! Ask your child about their interests and work with a luxury playhouse retailer in order to customize the house to your child’s specific preferences.

4. Where do I put our new luxury playhouse?

Since some luxury playhouses can rival the size of most New York studio apartments, take into account how much space you can spare for your child’s playhouse. Many luxury playhouses also double as beds, giving you the ability to place them directly in your child’s room without worrying about losing space and functionality. If indoor space is lacking, you can place the house outside on a cleared, even piece of land. If you do choose to place your playhouse outside, it’s important to frequently check it for spiders and other outdoor pests that may find their way inside.

Once you’ve purchased your new playhouse and brought it home, you can just sit back and watch as your children make priceless memories…without the involvement of a giant, stinky cardboard box.

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