A list of the top ten aggravating personality flawsContributed by Cindi Pearce, Catalogs.com Top 10 Guru

No one is perfect. That’s a fact.

But some people seem to have the monopoly on annoying personality traits that make the rest of us crazy.

Here are the top 10 aggravating personality flaws:

10. Lack of graciousness

One of the top ten aggravating personality flaws

Those who can’t accept a compliment and leave it at that. “Your hair looks pretty today.” “Oh, no, it looks terrible! It’s too short, too dirty, too long, too curly or too straight.” Well, heck, shave it off. Forgive me for bothering to compliment you.

9. Dishonest

One of the top ten aggravating personality flaws

Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me.

8. Don’t come through

One of the top ten aggravating personality flaws

People who promise to do something —yes, yes, I will be there at precisely 7 o’clock Saturday with everything you need—and then they never show up, letting you hold the bag and left to explain the inexplicable.

7. Self-centered

One of the top ten aggravating personality flaws

People who make everything about them and never think to inquire how the other person is doing. For example: “I am having such a bad day.” “Yeah, me, too. My mother just died.” “Oh. “ PAUSE. “Well, let me tell you about MY day.” You get the picture.

6. Two-faced

One of the top ten aggravating personality flaws

Those who are two-faced: Yeah, yeah, we all know one of them. Ick.

5. Bossy non-boss

One of the top ten aggravating personality flaws

People who tell you what YOUR job is. Have you ever told someone what their job is? Unless you know precisely what their job entails, which you don’t unless you’re their boss, and even then it’s a maybe, or have done the job yourself don’t presume to know what another person’s job is nor should they presume to know what yours is. Grrrrr.

4. Contrary

One of the top ten aggravating personality traits

People who tell you how you feel. For example: “I am so cold.” Response: “Oh, no, you’re not. It’s hot in here. You can’t be cold.” Well, yes, I am. “I am so tired.” “Oh, no, you can’t be tired. You slept for eight straight hours.” You get the drift.

3. Long-winded bores

One of the top ten aggravating personality flaws

People who drone on and on and bore the daylights out of those in the vicinity, monopolizing the conversation with their banalities. It’s painful; like watching paint peel. You feel like a captive with no way to escape other than feigning sudden death so you purposely go into the zone. You look like you’re listening but please don’t ask any questions because you are blissfully zoned out.

2. Close talkers

<img src="https://lb.catalogshub.com/info/bestof/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/zoned-out-kitty-300x225.jpg" alt="One of the top ten aggravating personality flaws" title="" width="300" height="225" class="alignleft size-medium wp-image-5927"

People who don’t observe the three feet personal space rule. You know the ones, who get right up into your face and into your domain even though you keep backing up, which should be a tip off that you’re not comfortable, but they never seem to notice until they’ve backed you off the edge of a cliff. This is particularly offensive when the person has bad breath or body odor or both.

1. Dishonest

A list of the top ten aggravating personality flaws

Liars. Liar, liar pants on fire. The number one offensive, aggravating and unforgivable personality flaw is lying. A white lie done to save someone’s feelings is one thing but habitual lying is indefensible.

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