A list of the top ten small apartment decorating tipsContributed by Cindi Pearce, Catalogs.com Top 10 Guru

Unless you are one of the few fortunate ones who have managed to land a spacious loft style apartment you are probably starting out in a tiny apartment because it’s the only thing you can afford.

There are ways to decorate your small apartment and prevent the space from feeling claustrophobic and cramped.

Here are the top 10 tips small apartment decorating tips:

10. Tone-on-tone

One of the top ten small apartment decorating tips

If your sofa, which is probably the largest piece of furniture in your living room, is close in color to the walls this will make the living room seem bigger. Now don’t rush out and buy an off-white couch to match your off-white walls. Simply toss a light colored throw or pashmina or even a beautiful swatch of fabric over the back of your dark colored couch and this will work.

9. Reflective surfaces

One of the top ten small apartment decorating tips

Use furniture that has reflective surfaces, such as a metal or chrome tables. These surfaces reflect light and make a room appear larger. Light colored furniture, such a white wicker, will also lend to the feeling of airiness.

8. Light colors underfoot

One of the top ten small apartment decorating tips

Keep your floors light. If you have dark wood floors toss a light-color area rug in the center of the room. Don’t completely cover up the wood floor, particularly if it is in good shape, but adding a light colored element the rug will make the expanse seem larger than it actually is. If you have dark wall-to-wall carpeting, do the same.

7. Get a bigger place

One of the top ten small apartment decorating tips

Pray that you hit the lottery soon and can afford a MUCH bigger place. Yeah, when pigs fly!

6. Creative storage

One of the top ten small apartment decorating tips

Elevate your bed so that you can use storage boxes, shoes, etc. underneath. Remember to occasionally dust under there!

5. Divide space

One of the top ten small apartment decorating tips

If your apartment is only one room use fabric or screen room dividers or privacy screens to distinguish which room is which and to give yourself some privacy. The area above the screen is still open so you won’t get a closed-in feeling. If you choose a screen divider, this allows light to get through but still affords you with privacy.

4. Mirrors

One of the top ten small apartment decorating tips

Use mirrors to create the illusion of a bigger space. Put a dramatic mirror on the wall across from a window or put several mirrors together on one wall in a mirror montage. This will look cool and also make the room look more spacious. Table top lamps and wall sconces will also add more light (and space) to your apartment and visual interest and as well as ambient lighting and task lighting.

3. Multi-purpose furniture

One of the top ten small apartment decorating tips

Take advantage of every inch of space. Purchase an ottoman on which you can rest your feet while watching TV but, which can also be used as extra seating and a table top. Ottomans come equipped with lids that open or can be completely removed and flipped over. One side of the ottoman is upholstered or constructed of leather and makes a good seat and the other side is a hard table top where you can place trays and glasses and use as a make-shift table when guests arrive. Use the inside of the ottoman for storage.

2. Maximize sunlight

One of the top ten small apartment decorating tips

Take advantage of the sunlight that you have with creative window treatments. Don’t cover the windows (or the ONE window) with dark, heavy blinds or curtains. If you need some kind of window covering for privacy consider applying window film, which blocks the view but lets the light in. Sheers will let the light in and yet give you some privacy. If the apartment is tiny but has high ceilings draw the eye upward by painting the ceiling a vibrant color or using vertical stripes on the walls or emphasizing the crown molding around the top of the ceiling, if you are lucky enough to have crown molding.

1. Keep it light

One of the top ten small apartment decorating tips

Paint the walls in light colors or neutrals to create spaciousness. Dark walls will make a room look smaller, and as if it is closing in on you, particularly if you don’t have much natural light. White or light colored walls do just the opposite. You can get a lot of mileage out of a coat of paint. It can work wonders in a variety of ways.

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