Getting in shape after a long winter calls for spring fitness tipsContributed by Cindi Pearce, Top 10 Guru

The arrival of sunshine, balmy weather, the reappearance of grass and budding trees are uplifting, particularly after a very long, very cold and very difficult winter that made you seriously contemplate for the umpteenth time moving to the Florida Keys for good.

Along with the advent of springtime is a realization that, oops, perhaps you put on a pound or two (or three or four), and your muscle tone has gone to pot. Spring is the ideal time to spring forth and make an effort to get healthier.

Here are the top 10 spring fitness tips:

10. Tackle the yard

Garden work is a great spring fitness tip

You can kill two birds with one stone. Get busy cleaning and repairing our own piece of the great outdoors. Working in the yard, planting a garden, weeding, hoeing, raking, stooping, pushing a lawn mower, wielding a weed eater and pulling on recalcitrant weeds are all physical activities and benefit your body.

9. Walk

A spring fitness tip is to start walking and work up to a run

If your ultimate goal is to jog a certain distance every day, start out walking. Going straight from a sedentary lifestyle to running might be quite a jolt to your system. Walk every day for a couple of miles and the next week pick up the pace and start speed walking. The following week break out into a jog. The next thing we know you’ll be running marathons, and maybe even winning. Wear the proper running foot wear. If you don’t, your feet and our back are going to scream in pain.

8. Buy the right clothing

A spring fitness tip is to buy new workout and running clothing

If you are serious about running buy running clothes that will keep you cool and sweat-free. Running apparel that is comfortable and does not hold moisture is perfect. The right running clothes will prevent friction and chaffing and will keep you dry when you sweat.

7. Hit the greens

Getting out on the golf course is a great spring fitness tip

Take up golf and walk the course, don’t ride. If you have to ride in a cart that’s okay because you are still getting a workout when you swing the club and bend down to retrieve your ball out of the woods. If you know virtually nothing about golf get some lessons from a pro. Buy a good set of golf clubs, the basic gear, golf shoes and hit the greens.

6. Outdoor yoga

Do your yoga outdoors is a great spring fitness tip

Yoga can be practiced year round, inside or outside, as long as you have a mat. It’s spring – time to pull on yoga wear in fresh spring colors and take your routine outdoors so that you can absorb the fresh air and sunshine while you work your muscles. This is the ideal exercise for those who can’t tolerate high impact exercise such as running. You will see results. Your body will become longer, leaner and stronger, and more flexible and your posture will improve. Additionally, your mental health will benefit as you learn to breathe and relax.

5. Join the craze

Pick up on the latest fitness craze with this spring fitness tip

Try something really new! Zumba is the latest exercise craze among the energetic. It is an aerobic fitness program that started in Colombia in the 1990s. The participants dance to International and Latin music doing routines that sculpt the body. Zumba includes resistance training that burns fat and tones the body.

4. Shake it

Belly dancing is a great spring fitness tip

Belly dancing is an incredible work-out. It may seem a bit out there, but it isn’t. You will get the most incredible isometric work-out and will feel the burn. Your tummy will tighten as will your legs and arms. Belly dance costumes are enticing and part of the motivation. And it’s fun. Your next stop might be on the stage at Las Vegas doing your Dance of the Seven Veils.

3. Bond with Fido

A great spring fitness tip is to get out and walk the dog

Go on a daily walk or a “pull” with your dog. If your dog is particularly energetic and pulls you the entire time this is certainly a good workout for you and for him. Treat Fido to a new spring “outfit” of a brightly colored collar and leash for walking visibility and safety, especially at dusk and dawn. A tired dog is a good dog.

2. Get wet

A good spring fitness tip is to jump in the pool for great  exercise

If you don’t have a pool, get one. The blow-up pools are quite affordable and are spacious enough that you can do water aerobics in them. If you do not have a pool at your residence, join the YMCA or the country club and make a regular habit out of swimming laps and/or doing water aerobics. Welcome spring with serious swimwear – you’re exercising, not lounging! Swimming is great for those who suffer from arthritis and can’t tolerate other forms of exercise.

1. Be patient with yourself

An important spring fitness tip is to be patient with your out of shape body

Know that your body is going to revolt at first. You’ve been lounging on the couch all winter so don’t expect your body to be joyous about this newfound fitness regime. It needs to be jump started and that may take a few weeks. Actually, it takes about 21 days for your body to get used to exercise. Within six-weeks, your body will have adapted and can now endure harder and lengthier work outs. Even when your muscles are screaming at you TO STOP, don’t. Go at a slow but regular pace and in time you will become acclimated.

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